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5/2/2013 - Belgium - Closure of the Relic Pilgrimage

(ANS – Ghent) – Many who follow Don Bosco, groups of young people and adults from Salesian schools and works, Salesians and Salesian Sisters from North Belgium Province (BEN), filled the cathedral in Ghent, Thursday 31 January, to offer an enthusiastic and devout farewell to Don Bosco's Relic while at the same time celebrating the Saint's feast day.

After passing through many cities in Holland, on the last day of its pilgrimage through BEN the Relic came back to Belgium, to Ghent.

The city's bishop, Bishop Luc Van Looy, sdb, was the main celebrant, flanked by bishops Johan Bonny, of Antwerp, Jozef De Kesel of Bruges, Adrian Van Luyn, sdb, bishop emeritus of Rotterdam, and many other priests.

The Liturgy was given life by the childrens choir from Kinderland, Kortrijk. The ceremony was solemn, but also full of joy and enthusiasm, a combination of prayer, hymns, meditation...

After Mass the statue was left for the faithful to venerate for the remainder of the afternoon and many people took advantage of the opportunity to catch up with Don Bosco just one more time, showing their respect and affection in prayer, silence, and gently touching the statue.

The final activity was the visit to the local prison. After a short time for the inmates to hear the story of Don Bosco, and a hymn, many remained in prayer and left prayer slips with intentions written on them.

Then after warm applause for Don Bosco and Bishop Van Looy, who organised the visit, the statue left for the Czech Republic.

Published on 05/02/2013

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