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11/1/2013 - Haiti - Three years later: report by Fr Sylvain Ducange

(ANS – Port-au-Prince) - On 12 January the earthquake that struck Haiti producing enormous loss of life and destruction of infrastructure, will see its third anniversary. Thirty two seconds that sowed desolation, desperation and hurt in Haitian hearts. Fr Sylvain Ducange, Superior of the Haiti Vice Province, offers a report on what has been done up until now and confirms the Salesian involvement.

The international community's intervention was fast and effective. Thanks to the fatherly concern of the Rector Major who immediately launched a solidarity appeal, all provinces in the Congregation helped out by organising help for the vice province through Salesian Mission Offices and NGOs.

Here is what has been achieved over the three years:

  • Helping those in refugee camps in Thorland, Cité Soleil and Pétion-Ville;
  • Humanitarian aid to people who are living in Salesian Houses;
  • Formation campaigns to fight against cholera;
  • Parascholastic activities, education and recreation for young people in post-earthquake trauma (preparation of social agents and various activities);
  • resumption of school activity (bursaries, teaching materials, stipends for teachers;
  • Reorgansiation of the “Little Schools of Fr Bonhen” network (OPEPB) and reconstruction of schools damaged by the earthquake;
  • Construction of temporary classrooms and prefabricated buildings at ENAM, Fleuriot, Gressier andCité Soleil.
  • Rebuilding of the security fence around Salesian works;
  • Prefabricated buildings for the ENAM and Thorland communities;
  • A new Don Bosco Centre at Gressier with primary and middle school and boarding section;
  • Support for integration of street kids at LAKAY-LAKOU in Port-au-Prince and Cap Haïtien, with a new reception centre
  • Fixing up damaged buildings at Gressier, Thorland, Pétion-Ville, Drouillard and Cap Haïtien.
  • Construction of a scholastic centre at Bas-Fontaine-Repatriation village, Multi-purpose centre, St Francis de Sales and Soleil 4 Kindergarten in Cité Soleil;
  • New Technical Formation model adapted to current circumstances in Haiti;
  • Work begun on the new Provincial Centre and Post Novitiate in Fleuriot;
  • Exchange of centres at Cap Haïtien and Fort Liberté with the Salesian agricultural school in the Dominican republic;
  • New School for nursing and cooking at Fort Liberté.
  • Recovery of the Professional technical centre in Gonaïves;
  • A large hall for social and educational development at Gressier;
  • activities which generate funds for families in the Thorland and Cité Soleil areas;
  • Reconstruction of a building (18 classrooms) at the ENAM primary school;
  • Launching of the Don Bosco Football School in Fort Liberté;
  • Entertainment and water-selling centres at Les Cayes, Fort Liberté and ENAM;
  • Water distribution from two large tanks.

Today the world financial crisis has particularly affected rebuilding in a nation which has an endemic crisis on the political and financial plane and has also experienced sever drought as well as the results of cyclones Isaac and Sandy. It now fears a food crisis. Already Salesian schools find they cannot guarantee the proper level of nutrition for students they have been looking after for years.

In its Christmas 2012 Message, the Haitian Episcopal Conference highlighted how many of the problems stem from poor government.

We, the Salesians of Don Bosco in Haiti, believe that the Salesian charism contributes to the transformation of society by creating a new mentality which forges a new future with the young entrusted to us. Thus we continue to bring our country the educational legacy we have inherited from Don Bosco who, through his effective educational system constantly updated set every youngsters on the road to success in life as a “good Christian and upright citizen”.
Published 11/01/2013

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