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26/11/2012 - Brazil - MGS 2013: The results of the Organising Committee
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(ANS – Niterói) – The Organising Committee of the World Meeting of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM 2013), concluded last Wednesday, 21st November, after three days of work. Meeting in Niterói, those responsible for various working groups have shared progress and projects still to be developed.


The participants included Fr Rafael Borges and Fr Robert Simon, of the Department of Youth Ministry for the Salesians (SDB); Sr Runita Borja, from the Youth Ministry Area for the Salesian Sisters (FMA); the Presidents of the SDB and FMA Inter-Provincial Conferences, Brazil; a national coordination group; and the leaders of the following working groups: Administration, Communication, Hospitality, Feasts and vigils, Continental Meeting, infrastructures and volunteering.


The working groups have studied the organizational processes and shared their respective responsibilities. The Director of the administrative group, Mr Rubespierre Moreira de Sá presented the general budget and proposed the need to find partners and sponsors. The communication and marketing team talked of the tools available on the site, explained how it intends to act after the elaboration of the action plan and picking up tips for SYM 2013 official Jersey.


Fr Márcio Theodoro, head of the Working Group on hospitality, informed them that the first enrolments are starting to arrive and the current task is to allocate the pilgrims in different accommodation. The team responsible for the Feasts and vigil, presented the idea of creating a festive atmosphere, to recall a large courtyard in which the oratorian spirit can be felt. In addition to intense moments of prayer and performance of cultural traditions, the event will include a festive greeting to Mother Yvonne Reungoat, Superior General of the FMA, and the Rector Major Fr. Pascual Chávez, on the day they meet the young people.


The working group concerned with the Continental Meeting (18-21 July 2013) of SYM America presented its planning proposals, recalling that it needs all the Provincial Youth Ministry  Delegate to take part, plus five young people per Province. Sr Elizabeth Pastl, FMA National Coordinator for Youth Ministry, pointed out that among the main objectives of this meeting there is a willingness to strengthen the SYM in every nation.


The infrastructure team showed how the planning of work spaces, catering and volunteer involvement is going. Fr Antonio Ramos spoke on Missionary Week and presented the list of Provinces that will host pilgrims. The list is available on SYM 2013.


Fr Borges has revealed some of the details of the SYM World Forum provided during the meeting. Soon youth delegates will receive a letter with more details. Finally, Fr Lenin Leandro Tavares, from the Diocese, a member of the Organizing Committee of the 2013 WORLD YOUTH DAY clarified some doubts regarding registration and accommodation during World Youth Day. On the last day the Commission visited the Local Organisation Committee for World Youth Day 2013.


The aim now is to intensify communication between working groups to walk together for the benefit of Salesian Youth.


The site will continue to offer information and useful material.


Published 26/11/2012


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