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23/11/2012 - RMG - I remember Sr. Troncatti: Interview with Fr Angelo Botta

(ANS – Rome) – Fr Botta, born 1924 and missionary from 1939 in Ecuador, includes among his dearest memories some memories of Sr. Maria Troncatti, soon to be beatified. He got to know her while visiting the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians during his term of Office as Provincial in Ecuador (1967-1973), and he celebrated her Requiem Mass.

How did you get to know Sister Maria Troncatti?
I got to know her when I was posted to the mission in Ecuador as Provincial. I arrived by plane at Sucúa. After landing and before reaching the Salesian House,  we passed by the front of the hospital managed by the Salesian Sisters and there, in the doorway, was Sister Troncatti, on the lookout and ready. She was already suffering from aches and pains at the time and was limited to reception, but what a motherly welcoming!

Is there any episode in her life that you remember in particular?
I will briefly recall three.

She wept before she returned to the mission, after staying in Guayaquil, and explained to the Sisters in her community: "Prior to this, I didn’t know what the mission was about". The photograph of the hovel that functioned as a Mission-centre, which she sent to her family in Italy had written on it: "In this hut we find happiness". Then there was the terrible suffering, many years later, on the occasion of the arson that destroyed the Salesian house, with the danger of a bloody revenge on the part of the Shuar who didn't want to accept her invitation to forgiveness: "Mother, don’t get in the way! This is our hunting party!".

What aspect of her testimony has affected you most?
Unconditional love that led her to give her life totally with joy and sacrifice. She was never limited, even when good health had abandoned her. She did it by serving all, without distinction of race and culture, happy when she could reap the benefits of goodness, but responding with generous kindness even to ingratitude.

What aspect of the Salesian charism do you believe she most embodied?
Love most of all, anchored to the two Salesian columns of Eucharist and Our Lady Help of Christians. She was only a certified nurse, but had to work for years as a surgeon, and with rudimentary means. But she cut and stitched while calling on Jesus and Mary Help of Christians, and the operations went well even in the forest.

What was the relationship of Sister Troncatti with her Salesian confreres?
The relationship of a mother to so many children. I believe it's the best way to put it. It represents, furthermore, what so many FMA have been for the Salesians who were engaged in the difficult work of the missions of Ecuador in those early difficult times, when sometimes the missionaries felt disoriented and uneasy: gestures and concern like those offered by Sister Troncatti and her fellow Sisters supported them, put them back on their feet, giving them security.

What are your thoughts now that her beatification is about to take place?
Joy, for which I thank and bless the Lord. In the beatification of Sister Troncatti I see the official recognition of the holiness of countless FMA who have given their lives humbly to the Lord, and to the poorest, in hidden and joyous ways, in our missions and many others around the world. Many people will be at the party in heaven alongside her! Finally, there is the first great miracle of Sister Troncatti, not recorded in official records: when she was about to take that last flight she did so with the great pain of leaving behind Sucúa town torn apart by the threat of some unknown and hidden "whites" who wanted to set fire to what remained of the Salesian mission; and the many Shuar who openly threatened bloody revenge. Well, a few hours later, around her coffin, bathed in tears and prayers, the pardon and peace broke out: Sucúa was reinstated as a town of Christian brothers and sisters.

Published 23/11/2012

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