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12/11/2012 - Haiti - Damage to the work of Cap-Haitien
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(ANS – Cap-Haitien) – In the night between 8thand 9thNovember torrential rains poured for 24 hours in the northern part of Haiti. The floods have caused at Cap-Haitien, the country's second largest city, the death of 16 people, of whom at least 3 were children. Other Haitian towns were flooded.

The Salesians, who right at the gates of the city of Cap-Haitien run the Fondation Vincent community, have suffered the consequences of this natural disaster. The perimeter walls and other barriers have been swept away by the raging waters. "We have suffered serious harm: a hundred-foot wall was destroyed and our vegetable gardens, where agricultural school students carry out their practice, have been wiped out" reported Fr Jean-Paul Mésidor, Rector of the community.

Despite the damage, the Salesian community gave hospitality in its buildings to some 100 families whose homes were located downstream from the Salesian work, where the current flowed.

Three weeks ago the country had recorded other serious damages because of Hurricane Isabel, which destroyed many plantations and crops and left a total of 54 dead and 21 missing.

Meanwhile, Fr Guillermo Basañes, Councillor for Africa-Madagascar, in the Extraordinary Visit to the Vice-Province "Blessed Philip Rinaldi" in Haiti, is continuing his exploration in the country. The communities in the North have already been visited; the Councillor is currently in Le Cayes, in the South, engaged in giving comfort to the communities and to present the guidelines established by the Congregation.

Published 12/11/2012

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