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8/11/2012 - South Korea - The Salesian Family Spirituality Day
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(ANS – Seoul) – About three hundred members from various groups of the Salesian Family again gathered in Seoul to share their joy and spirituality of being children of Don Bosco. On November 3rd, the participants from different family groups, SDB, FMA, SCG, SSCC, SYM, Past pupils began to arrive at 9 at the Provincial House in Seoul, on the seventh floor.

The theme of the day was “Pedagogy of the goodness of Don Bosco”, which is taken from the itinerary of the preparation for the bicentenary proposed by the Strenna of the Rector Major. It opened with a brief reflective scene representation prepared by the FMA, with the title of 'Piccolo, who became a friend of Don Bosco stealing two pieces of bread' which tells a story of the saint who earned the boy's soul through the correction of illegal actions of the boys of that time.

“Though we come back to meet here every year, in fact, today is a particularly pleasant day, since a new presence has further enriched the meaning of this day. The Association of the Sacred Heart, a lay group which has just started its life as a Third Order of the SCG (Sisters of Charity of Jesus) with the first personal promise of 53 members last September for a long journey of preparation, were invited and some of them participated in our Salesian Family Day's meeting. I think it will enhance the strength of our love for the boys as much as increasing the family members of Don Bosco. Further more, I feel especially thankful for the presence of Fr Andrew Wong, General Councillor for the Region of EAO, who, from last August, has been doing the Extraordinary Visit of the Rector Major to our Province. His presence among us is a great joy because we might consider that here among us there is the same Rector Major, successor of Don Bosco”, words of Fr Stephen Nam, Provincial, on the opening day.

Fr Andrew Wong took the microphone, with a few concise words to stimulate participants. “Although it is true that the weather of Korea is cold for me who is used to living in a hot country, I'm really enjoying the heat in my heart because wherever I go to the Salesian houses or Salesian Families they feel full of love for the poor young. I must tell you with gratitude, that the Rector Major asked me to thank you for your prayers for his health: there has been a significant improvement from last July.

We affirm that all members of the SF have been called to follow the example of Don Bosco to be a saint, and from various groups emerge numerous holy people following the model of our founder. As they become true saints through practising faithfully the teaching of Don Bosco, i.e. educating as well accompanying the young people, we have no reason not to be saints. I wish you a fruitful Salesian Family day that radically encourages us to walk more with young people to holiness through the preventive system which is a sure way to earn to our salvation and that of young people whom we meet in daily life.”

Subsequently followed by a conference of Fr Valentino Shin with the theme of “The pedagogy of goodness”. As he had specialized in youth ministry, especially in the field of Catechetics at UPS, he brings with himself long experience in the field of meeting with young people, completing the various tasks of youth ministry, has managed to give, with security, stories and episodes encountered in his pastoral work, a confirmation of the beauty and effectiveness of the Preventive System to the participants.

When talking about a story which shows the victory of hope gained with the preventive system of an oratory in which live ten boys, including one who escaped from the communist regime in North Korea, who now, after a long journey of exile, from China to Thailand, found the hope of life in a salesian community, the participants felt proud to be a member of the family which really saves the souls of the boys. “I think that was very provable that Don Bosco could strengthen his vocation for the salvation of boys by having the same experience as we are having now.” With these words Fr Valentine closed the conference.

After finishing lunch provided by the Salesians to all the participants, they were invited to join the recreation games prepared by the Postnovices community in Seoul, enjoyed a variety of entertainment programmes which was able to intensify friendship and communion with the Salesian Family and revealed the spirit of joy, the Salesian’s typical life style.

The day ended at 5 pm with Holy Mass presided by the Provincial, concelebrated with the Regional Councillor and about twenty priest confrères.

Published 08/11/2012

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