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7/11/2012 - Italy - Salesian Theological Formation: dynamic fidelity priest model proposed by Don Bosco
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(ANS – Torino) –The meeting of Deans of the centres of theological studies and of those in charge of theological study at the Theologates of the Salesian Congregation began in the late morning of today, November 7th . The gathering, wanted and guided by the Department for Formation, is taking place in Turin, Valdocco and sees the participation of 21 representatives of various Salesian centres.

Fr. Francesco Cereda, Councillor General for Formation, presided at the late morning Mass at the Church of St. Francis de Sales and in the afternoon presented the objectives of the meeting, which is part of the process of evaluation and improvement of Salesian intellectual formation.

The evaluation process began in 2008. The Provinces were invited to answer a questionnaire; the replies were handed over and, in 2011, a summary of the assessments emerged and a hypothesis of proposals. In July 2012, the document, revised in the light of the comments and amendments received, had been studied and approved by the Rector Major and the General Council.

"The Congregation is called upon to overcome the separation of intellectual formation and the other dimensions of the formation; - said Fr Cereda  - studies often run the risk of not being integrated into the entirety of the formation experience; due to this, their contribution to the maturation  process in the Salesian mission and vocation is weak". The solution indicated by the Councillor is to encourage raising the cultural level motivating the interest and commitment to the study and the reflection. This commitment includes a strengthening of the Salesian centres of theological studies and a programme to prepare teachers with appropriate qualifications.

The meeting will also help to understand the contribution of theological studies to complete formation - intellectual, spiritual and pastoral - of a Salesian priest. "The formation of a Salesian priest has its own reference in today's cultural and ecclesial context, but also draws inspiration from the model of a Salesian priest, realised by Don Bosco and from the Salesian tradition reinterpreted dynamically. - stated the Councillor - Our formation is always charismatic and must be able to exemplify its Salesian identity; we are in the Church with our special quality ".

A third aim is to compare the programme of theological studies. The participants will discuss the discipline, about the amount of trust for each one, on the freedom of choice of study centres. "Greater attention should be paid to the disciplines of Pastoral Theology, which also require responses to context; they will help prepare our candidates for the priesthood not only in the Ministry of the Word and of the Liturgy, but also in the skills for leadership of community, "said Fr Cereda.
The meeting of the Deans of centres of theological studies and those in charge of theological studies at the Salesian Theologates is celebrated in Turin to mark the 75th  Anniversary of the founding of the Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical Salesian University which had its beginning in this city. The Turin section of the Faculty of Theology at the UPS, in recent years, is being renewed with new teachers, young and ready, and with a growing internationalization that allows inculturation and multiculturalism.
To ‘round off’ the meeting, on Saturday November 10th , there will be a commemoration of the Venerable Fr Giuseppe Quadrio, instructor and illustrious teacher, who died in Turin in 1963 at the age of 41. His mortal remains will be transferred into the church of the Salesian Institute.

Published 07/11/2012

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