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5/11/2012 - Italy - Recall, Rejoice, Renew: the 25 years of VIDES
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(ANS – Trevi) – As part of the activities celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the International Women Volunteer Education Development (VIDES), the 10th International Conference of the Association, entitled "Recall – Rejoice – Renew" was held in Trevi from the 1st to the 4th of November. The conclusions of the meeting have emerged from the dialogue between the Rector Major of the Salesians, Fr Pascual Chávez, and the Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Mother Yvonne Reungoat.

More than 200 volunteers, from 34 countries of 4 continents attended the dialogue. Sr. Leonor Salazar, VIDES Director General, moderated the dialogue. Mr. Guido Barbera, VIDES President gave the introduction saying it is necessary for the volunteers to be a light for others, alluding to the passing of lighted candles in the final ritual.

Fr. Pascual Chavez stressed that the Preventive System of Don Bosco should be reinterpreted and updated in today’s world.  It aims to form persons for others, persons who are concerned for the common good, not for personal gain.  Don Bosco contributed to the development of Italy through integral education, not direct political involvement.  Furthermore, Fr. Pascual said that as Christians we build fraternity, not only solidarity.  In this way, the volunteers mature in their choices in life.  Volunteers do not merely alleviate human sufferings but assist in the transformation of society into a civilization of love thereby becoming signs of God’s love.  As a last message, he said that volunteering is the best part of youth ministry and he challenged the volunteers to renew their commitment to their Christian identity and  to continue maturing their project of life.

Mother Yvonne Reungoat recounted briefly the youth of Maria Mazzarello, her active service in the parish and her intuition to educate women. Maria Mazzarello was able to translate the Preventive System into its feminine expression.  Mother Yvonne expressed her great confidence in the young people of today.  She said that she is moved by the young people’s search for meaning and capacity to make courageous choices in order to serve others.  Mother gave several final messages to the volunteers ---  have courage to transform life; give birth to volunteering in others; it is God who calls them to be volunteers; have strong convictions and availability in carrying out God’s project.  With a radiant smile of a mother, Mother Yvonne gave these final words, “Have courage to move ahead with much joy and love!”

The convention ended with the Holy Mass presided by Fr. Pascual Chavez at the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi.

The 10th VIDES International Convention began on Thursday, November 1st, and also celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Association-NGO. It served as an occasion to share best practices, deepen the VIDES identity, and stimulate the volunteers to face new challenges.

Published 05/11/2012

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