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19/10/2012 - RMG - Towards the beatification of Sister Maria Troncatti
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(ANS – Rome) –The beatification of Sister Maria Troncatti, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians, the missionary in the Amazon rainforest of Ecuador, is now due. On November 24th  at Macas, the seat of the Apostolic Vicariate of Méndez, Cardinal Angelo Amato, SDB, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, will preside at the Solemn Rite as a representative of the Holy Father.

"In view of such an appointment, affecting all groups and members of the Salesian family, we are  invited to appreciate the witness of this consecrated missionary in the light of the Year of Faith and along the path of the Salesian Family towards the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco – we are urged by Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, Postulator General for the causes of Saints of the Salesian family -the story of Sister Troncatti shines as a unique model of consecrated women, missionary and mother to all who had the grace to meet her. Above all it is the testimony of one who has truly lived the Apostolic passion of 'Da mihi animas cetera tolle,', accepting the demand of "Work and Temperance", as a prerequisite to "bear fruit".

Besides, a few biographies, pamphlets and handbooks published on the occasion of this event mark the initiatives ahead of the beatification particularly in Italy and in Ecuador.

On the 20th of October at Corteno Golgi, at the Cathedral of Brescia, her diocese, the birthplace of Sister Trocatti, her picture will be presented on the occasion of World Mission Sunday.

On the 29th of October at the Casa Generalizia of the FMA in Rome, a roundtable discussion will be held with several speeches and testimonies of those who have known her.

In Ecuador, in Quito, a forum at the Salesian Polytechnic University to will be held on the 7th  and 8th of November to celebrate, with the theme "Religious woman, femininity and development among indigenous people of Ecuador".

The Triduum of preparation for the imminent beatification will be celebrated in each community of Ecuador presenting Maria Troncatti as missionary, educator and in solidarity with the poor.

"The testimony of this next ‘Blessed’ of the Salesian family will stimulate a more convinced ecclesial commitment in favour of a New Evangelization to rediscover the joy in believing and regain enthusiasm in communicating the faith. - continues Fr Cameroni - With her life and sanctity Sister Troncatti reminds us that faith grows when it is lived as an experience of love received and when it is communicated as an experience of grace and of joy ".

Published 19/10/2012

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