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4/4/2007 - Azerbaijan - A gift from the President of Poland

(ANS - Baku) - On 31 March the President of the Republic of Poland Lech Kaczynski visited the new church of the Immaculate Conception in Baku making a gift of a chalice and paten and three bells.

The church which rises from the ruins of a previous one destroyed during the communist era, was designed by the Italian architect Paolo Ruggero in a modern style with some neo-gothic elements. The land was given to John Paul II by the former President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Heidar Aliev. In fact in a chapel the church preserves the altar at which the late Pontiff celebrated mass during his visit in May 2002. A parish hall for various activities is attached to the church.

The  three bells donated by the President will be hung in a bell tower beside the church. The first named "Saint Peter" weighs 500 kg and bears the image of the first Pope; the second weighing 220 kg is dedicated to Benedict XVIand bears his image; the  third of 290 kg is dedicated to the "Madonna of Czestochowa" and on them are engraved the words: "Mary pray for us," "Thank God, do not let the spirit die" and beside the coat of arms of John Paul II his motto: "Totus tuus!"

The visit and the gift of President Kaczynski were organised by the Hon. Pawel Kowal, Deputy Foreign Minister for Poland in Azerbaijan, who from his youth has been active in Catholic youth grouops and collaborated with the Salesians.

The new church of the Immaculate Conception in Baku is attached to the "Missio sui iuris" entrusted to the Salesians of the Slovak Province (SLK) and led by Fr Ján Capla. Working with him in Azebaikjan are another 5 Salesians, 3 volunteers and 5 of Mother Teresa`s Sisters.

Published 04/04/2007

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