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15/10/2012 - United States - International Day of the Girl Child

(ANS – New York) – The International Day of the Girl Child was celebrated for the first time on October 11 in 2012. Established to promote equal treatment and opportunities for girls, the International Day is an acknowledgment by the world community that there is a disparity in the way the rights of girls and boys are protected and promoted.

The Day of the Girl was established by a vote of the General Assembly in 2011 to recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world. One of the issues that addressed on the International Day was that of child marriage. For the first time, the member states recognized that child marriage is a human rights violation and is a serious health risk for young girls whose bodies are not fully developed for motherhood. This puts them and their babies at risk. Early marriage also prevents young girls from continuing their education and contributes to many of them remaining in poverty throughout their lives. The achievement of their full potential is hindered when girls are forced to assume all of the domestic duties and raise children while they are still children themselves.

A special exhibit on child marriage has been installed at UN Headquarters in New York to help  raise awareness and encourage advocacy and action both on the part of member states and those who visit the UN daily.

The day was an important opportunity for Member States, UN partners, civil society and the private sector to collectively commit themselves to joint efforts that will generate new evidence and knowledge and to discuss recommendations to combat child marriage. 

In spite of many advances in changing the status and perception of women and girls, much more needs to be done to address the serious issues the girl child faces. Among these are: limited educational opportunities, illiteracy and school dropout, physical and sexual violence, lack of role models, forced labor and limited work opportunities, trafficking, negative media images and most importantly, inequality. Girls are asking to be seen as and treated as equals. They want to participate more fully in decision making, especially in decisions that affect their lives in their families and communities.

For more information on the issues the girl child faces and to learn more about the day go to:

Published on 15/10/2012

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