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29/6/2012 - Brazil - RIO+20: mine of ideas vs final document

(ANS – Rio de Janeiro) - "The final document has not come up to expectations. It is disappointing and bland being limited to repeating the principles of 20 years ago and managing at the same time to some extent to undermine them.” This is the opinion of Carola Carazzone, President of the International Voluntary Service for Development (VIS) having returned to Italy after following the work of the United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development.

 “There are very few practical commitments, both in terms of resources and in terms of drawing up in a future not very clearly defined aims for sustainable development” she continues.  Overcoming a sense of regret at the agreement finally drawn up, RIO+20 was a very significant stage in the progress of the non government organisations and for civil society around the world in terms of an ever more active and free involvement in the international arena.”

However the President of VIS also observed: “The participation of youngsters was splendid: a great number took part in the Youth Forum of Rio+20, between 12 and 15 June, confluendo poi ai lavori internazionali”.

The VIS was involved in the preparatory work which began the previous week right until the UNO Summit between 20 and 22 June. Rio+20 was a mine of ideas, discussiona, and initiatives: 8 forums running parallel to the official one, each one of them with dozens of conferences, events, displays  and presentations.

Iin particular, for the first time before the Summit, organised by the Brazilian govenment with the support of the United Nations there were “Dialogue Days for Sustainable Development” in which VIS together with over 50,000 delegates and representatives of associations and non government organisation from the whole world took part.

Published 29/06/2012

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