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11/6/2012 - Chile –Salesian educational centre given a certificate of quality

(ANS – Talca) – At the beginning of June it was announced that the Salesian educational centre in Talca has obtained the Management Certificate of Quality for the next three years.  It is the first time that this Salesian centre has received such a recognition which has two features: it is given to both the  technical-vocational centre and the scientific-humanities courses of the institute; and for the maximum possible number of years granted by the  Fundación Chile to an institute for the first time.

The Rector of the Institute Fr  Miguel Rojas, expressed in the first place his satisfaction at this success on behalf of all the educative community which through hard work, dedication, discipline and study has achieved its objective. Fr Rojas observed that the certification has been obtained for both sectors, and this even though the scientific and humanities courses were begun only  a short time before.

He also said that the certificate comes after the very good results achieved in the Measurement System of the Quality of Teaching  and the academic and specialised excellence in accreditation for which the Salesian centre is well-known “More than just obtaining the certificate, we have set up a management model for the centre, which we now need to constantly improve.”

Reinaldo Castro, the Coordinator of the Quality Committee of the Centre, mentioned that the difficulties created by the earthquake in 2010 had not enabled them to make all the progress hoped for by 2011. Since then, with the help and advice of Leonard Garcia, Academic Coordinator of the Salesian Institute in Puerto Montt much satisfactory progress had been made.

Published 11/06/2012

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