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25/5/2012 - Ireland - New website for the Province of St.Patrick

(ANS – Dublin) – Yesterday, May 24, Feast of Mary Help og Christians, the Salesians of the Irish Province officially launched their new website.

The new site – – represents the face of the the Irish Province on the internet. Besides offering presenting a history of the Congregation and its founder, it has several multimedia sections  where resources, photographs video and podcasts can be seen and shared. News about activites carried out has its own section and is also highlighted on the home page.

The section devoted to Salesian spirituality is of particular importance. It offers not only material for reflection and prayer but also useful information on retreats, initiatives and proposals. Of similar importance is the section regarding possibilites of commitment for site visitors, which gives an overview of the many forms availabel:Volunteering, missionary activities, NGO activities, Salesian Youth Movement and religious life.

The Provincial, Fr. Michael Casey, writes with satisfaction: “This is a historical and important pedagogical and pastoral event  in our Province as we launch out into the new continent called the Digital World.”  On the same occasion he also recalled art. 43 of our Constitutions: “Social a significant field of activity which constitutes one of the apostolic  priorities of the Salesian misssion.”

Special thanks go to the Youth Pastoral Team, which worked so long on the project and succeeded in setting the site up in perfect running order and on time; also to Michael Byrne and Bernard Hennessy, of “ACTON BV”, for their technical and editing support.

The new site will be a topic for evaluation and discussion in the annual retreat which the local Salesians will hold this coming June 3rd.

Published 25/05/2012

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