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5/4/2012 - RMG - SMD 2012: the videos available on
Photo for the article -RMG – SMD 2012: THE VIDEOS AVAILABLE ON SDB.ORG

(ANS – Rome) – From today the videos for Salesian Mission Day 2012 are available on They describe some of the projects which the Salesians in Asia are carrying out in the areas of education and evangelisation.

The video produced for SMD 2012, in the multimedia packs already distributed to Salesian houses, can be watched and downloaded on the web-TV section of

The videos – an introduction to the topic and eight short documentaries – develop the theme for the SMD 2012: “Telling the Story of Jesus”. As always the Salesians link education and evangelisation together and the experiences reported show how this also happens in  contexts in which Catholics are in a minority. 

Thanks again to collaboration with Missioni Don Bosco in Turin,  the site is organising a section of the web-TV in which videos in HD are freely available.

Published 05/04/2012

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