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5/4/2012 - India - Bringing Muniguda back to life

(ANS – Muniguda) – Every year Salesian Mission Day supports a particular solidarity project. For 2012 the aim is to contribute to the rebirth of the Muniguda mission, in the State of Orissa, India. The centre was vandalised in 2008, but thanks to the efforts of the Salesians it is coming back to life a with the intention of its becoming the centre for the development of all the villages in the area.

The State of Orissa, in Eastern India is one of the poorest in the country. About half of the population is tribal; the mortality rate is quite high due to malaria and typhoid. In  2008 the State by affected by religious fundamentalist movements which targeted various Christian communities.

Among these was the Muniguda mission, attacked by a mob of about 1500-2000 people. The church was set on fire and destroyed, most of the buildings – including a school and a hostel – were vandalised or burned down, and all the residents in the centre, religious and lay people had to abandon the campus and flee into the forest to save their lives.

After being abandoned for eighteen months the centre was entrusted to the care of the Salesians. Now the centre is coming back to life. The first projects are  for the building of a school – at present lessons are being taught in the buildings damaged in the attacks in 2008, and there is no other teaching facility within 15-20 km - a chapel to serve the needs of the Christian tribal families within 15 km of the mission; a non-formal training centre with courses for woodwork, welding and computer studies; and an aspirantate to ensure the formation of the many boys who show signs of a vocation to the religious life, at present housed in the buildings under construction.

In addition it is hoped to be able to used the donations received to purchase some useful means of transport for catechesis and evangelisation in the more remote areas of the mission; and also to provide some agricultural and work preparation  projects for the young people which the Salesians have already started but which at present involve only a few villages.

The Don Bosco in the World Foundation is the body responsible for collecting and distributing  the donations received.

Published 05/04/2012

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