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29/3/2012 - Cuba - The Pope’s visit renews the commitment of believers

(ANS – Havana) – On the occasion of the recent visit by Pope Benedict XVI, the Cuban Church experienced a deep sense of unity both during the time of preparation and during the event itself. The Salesians, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and the young people also played an active part in the organisation. Fr Julio Fernández, a Salesian from the community in Havana was one of the official translators for the meetings of the Pope. 

From the time the visit was officially announced in December, all the Catholics and the religious communities were united in the various initiatives organised by the Cuban dioceses. Closer to the event, during Lent over 14 stations of the cross were arranged  in the various city squares. Many young people were actively involved in these including the Salesian Youth Movement.

Fr Santiago Martín Martinez, Rector of the Salesian community of Havana–Vibora,  during a telephone interview with the ANS office, explained how the Cuban Church after the visit by John Paul II had changed totally on the religious and social levels: “Public expressions of faith increased; the fear of being a believer and showing it in public disappeared”; now with the presence of Benedict XVI,  Fr Martín continues: “Christians are bearing witness with greater conviction aware of the great significance of the visit by the successor  of Peter.”

The Salesian world too was enthusiastically involved as Fr Martín explains: “We are fully committed. The young people have been exemplary in taking part in the various events planned by the parishes and the diocese. Some Salesians-Cooperators are permanent Deacons and they have played their part in the Masses distributing Holy Communion. The Salesians were present at all the public events and Fr Julio Fernández, a confreres in our community was one of the official translators. The communication group were involved in the events, especially those for the young people, and  in particular, an FMA Sr. Lina Pegoraro received communion from the Holy Father.”
The Mass in Revolution Square according to Fr Martín, made a great impact with the words of the Pope: - “"Blessed be God" who gathers us in this historic square so that we may more profoundly enter into his life. I feel great joy in being here with you today seeking to consolidate the journey of faith in love and truth to celebrate Holy Mass during this Jubilee Year devoted to Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre.” To which the crowd responded with applause. “This means that his message is changing the truth into a prophecy, and it is the message of Christ present among us.”

Published 29/03/2012

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