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13/3/2012 - Gabon - Don Bosco is our friend: the casket in Equatorial Tropical Africa
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(ANS – Libreville) – Continuing its pilgrimage in the Africa-Madagascar Region at the beginning of March  Don Bosco’s casket entered the Vice Province of  Equatorial Tropical Africa, which covers 6 countries. Masses, vigils and prayer marked the various stages of its journey. There was a significant presence of civil authorities at the various events.

The first stop was in Gabon, where the casket remained on 1 and 2 March. “Don Bosco is our friend was the slogan sung by the children and adults during the celebrations and processions which wound their way from one centre to another. In the capital of the country, Libreville, its journey included 9 diocesan parishes and involved a large number of Christians, especially the young.

On Friday 3 March the casket entered Equatorial Guinea. To meet it at the airport of Malabo, the capital, among the many people were the Minister of Defence, Hon. Antonio Mba Nguema, the Mayor of the city and other administrative authorities. Escorted by the Police the casket was taken to the Cathedral where the Metropolitan Archbishop Ildefonso Obama Obono presided at Mass.

Then it was the turn of the people in Waiso Ipola and Elá Nguema, led by the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, the  “Don Bosco Youth Centre” and the parish entrusted to the Salesians “Saint John Bosco-San Ferdinando”. Here Fr Luis Javier Palenzuela presided at Mass which was followed by festivities and an all-night vigil led by the various groups.

The citizens of Bata also gave the casket a very warm welcome on the second stage of its travels in the country. Authorities and civil defence forces, members of the Salesian Family, parents of Salesian pupils as well as many young people and children got together to organise and take part in the event. During the welcoming ceremony a bouquet of flowers was placed on the casket and two children in the name of all those present expressed their joy and the presence of the relic. Then the casket was taken into the Cathedral for solemn Mass and veneration  and then once again the children of the Parish of Mary Help of Christians welcomed it crying out: “For us he is a friend a companion in daily life.”

A visit to Micomeseng brought the pilgrimage in Equatorial Guinea to an end, and then on 8 March the relic entered Cameroon, at Ebolowa. In the Cathedral it was venerated by a large crowd of people in their Sunday best and full of enthusiasm. Having heard so much about Don Bosco many were very curious at finding themselves in front of his relics; on the other hand others were deeply recollected in spite of the large numbers present.

The Bishop of the city Mons. Jean Mbarga presided at Mass attended by many of the faithful and numerous authorities. At the end of the Mass the Salesians made presentations to the authorities and the Bishop for the support they had given  and the Bishop thanked the Salesians praising them for their work with the young.

Published 13/03/2012 

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