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12/3/2012 - Nicaragua –National Award for a Salesian School
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(ANS – Masaya) – On 24 February  the  Ministry of Education in Nicaragua awarded to the “San Juan Bosco” School, the prize for the best school in the country, in an official ceremony at the National University. The school is led by the Salesian Brother Fernando Murillo and he too was the winner of the prize for the best School Principal.

Brother Fernando Murillo, 86 years of age,  originally from Costa Rica, directs the “San Juan Bosco” School with extraordinary creativity and energy. His fidelity to the teachings of Don Bosco, his closeness to the students, his relationships with the staff and his organisational ability have led to the School receiving the highest recognition since in the Salesian Institute  the students come first and take the lead.

The “San Juan Bosco” School is on the outskirts of Monimbó, in one of the poorest areas in the city. With modern infrastructure  and with a school population of 1750 youngsters, a special feature is the leading role of the students: through a number of councils, small boys and girls and youngsters take care of many areas of school life with a great sense of responsibility.

There are large numbers of parents every year who are disappointed at not being able to enrol their children in this school, because there are always more applications than the school can physically  accommodate.

The teachers’ salaries are paid by the State, but the other necessary funds are provided with the help of benefactors. The parents pay a dollar a month which is some help towards the costs.

Visiting the school one is impressed by the cleanliness, the order, the discipline, the creativity. the joy and optimism which pervade everything. “The energy of the students gives life to the Institute and that is what Don Bosco wanted” Brother Murillo says.

Published 12/03/2012

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