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27/2/2012 - Italy - The UPS commemorates the 50th anniversary of “Veterum Sapientia”

(ANS – Rome) – “50th Veterum Sapientia. History, culture and the present” is the title of a Congress with which the Faculty of Christian and Classical Literature  at the Salesian Pontifical University celebrated on 23 February, the anniversary of the promulgation of the Apostolic Constitution.

“If we examine the foundations of the culture of our age we cannot fail to return to those languages, to those documents, in which, whether it likes it or not, present day humanity has its roots.”  These words are taken from a letter which the Holy Father sent to  the Rector Magnificus of the Salesian Pontifical University, Fr Carlo Nanni, on the occasion of the Congress.

Among the experts who spoke at the Congress which was attended by 150 scholars from all over the world was Prof Tullio de Mauro, former Italian Minister for Education  who pointed out how the Latin language transmitted a patrimony of thought at the basis of modern civilisation.

So that the new generations may possess a knowledge of this spiritual treasure it was necessary to adopt teaching and learning methods that are effective and enjoyable. In his talk Professor Luigi Miraglia, Director of the Academy “Vivarium Novum” gave a practical demonstration as he  spoke about the success achieved in teaching the use of the language  by means of the so-called “humanists way.”

The current interest in Latin in the world was topic chosen by Prof. Mark Clark from the United States as he described the situation in some academic Institutions in his country and  by Prof. Michele Ferrero, lecturer in Latin at the University of Beijing.

Then Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski, Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education, spoke saying that the moral and cultural imperative of preserving and safeguarding the  spiritual  treasure  of Latin was entrusted, understandably to the Catholic Church and to its priests.

The Apostolic Constitution “Veterum Sapientia” was signed by Pope John XXIII on 22 February 1962, in order to promote  the study of Latin and Greek in the  Church. In it he expressed the hope, among other things, for the establishment of an “Academicum Latinitatis Institutum”, which would then be erected by Paul VI and entrusted to the Salesian Society on account of its great commitment to  education in the field of classical culture from Don Bosco’s time.

The Institute is now the Faculty of Christian and Classical Literature  at the Salesian Pontifical University, which conducts its activities convinced that the recovery and the appreciation of the cultural patrimony of the civilisation of Greece and Rome which was then the inspiration of Christian humanism, can provide elements for a new synthesis of thought and action, in which reason and faith, the rights of man and solidarity among peoples,  truth and beauty can be harmoniously brought together.

Published 27/02/2012

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