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15/2/2012 - Italy - New site for “Note di Pastorale Giovanile”

(ANS – Rome) – On 31 January, the Feast of Don Bosco a new site was officially opened for “Note di Pastorale Giovanile” (NPG), the monthly publication of the Salesian “Elledici” Publishing House, which for 46 years has been providing  material for the education and evangelisation of teenagers and young people.

NPG is the only magazine in Italy dedicated exclusively to the education to the faith of young people. Its various articles provide encouragement discussion and reflection material to help educators present an holistic approach to human and Christian life to the young. The current Editor is Fr Riccardo Tonelli, lecturer at the Salesian Pontifical University and his office is at the Salesian Youth Ministry Centre.

The magazine already had its place on the net through the site of the National Centre for Salesian Work (CNOS -; with the new site – it has full autonomy and identity on the web.

The heading makes the purpose of the magazine on-line very clear: the young as its aim; Don Bosco as the source of its charism: “I want to teach you a Christian way of life that will at the same time make you happy and content and to show you what real entertainment and enjoyment are.”

Easy to navigate the site has the major sections: “Youth Ministry,” with material produced and used by the Italian Church, and by other Congregations, Associations and Movements; “Note di Pastorale Giovanile”, an archive in the process of being completed of the issues of the magazine in the last 46 years; and “Salesian Youth Ministry,” with collections of the official documents of the Congregation and of the Conference of Italian Salesian Provinces (CISI).

Other sections are: an index of the main topics dealt with in the magazine, links to some social network sites and a tv web. A Newsletter is also available.

The NPG site, like the printed magazine is an extraordinarily rich mine of material, made available to anyone interested not only in understanding the young but also in working with them in educational or pastoral settings with useful material also for groups and formation meetings.

Published 15/02/2012

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