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3/2/2012 - Bolivia - VII Continental Meeting of Planning and Development Offices
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(ANS – Cochabamba) – Between 16 and 20 January in Cochabamba, Bolivia, there was the VII Continental Meeting of Planning and Development Offices (PDO) with the intention of strengthening the projects aimed at the technical formation of those most in need. The meeting, which at Continental level is held every two years, was organised by the Belgian NGO “Via Don Bosco” (formerly DMOS COMIDE) was attended by 33 people directly involved in this area from throughout America.

The main items on the agenda were: the formulation of a new development programme for the period 2014-2016; formation in practical skills, in the knowledge and the attitudes which help the beneficiaries to take their place in the work market; strengthening the PDO in their role as coordinators and motivators of official projects and support.

A whole day was spent exploring new sources of funding. There was a presentation of the procedure required in order to propose and promote projects to the Multilateral Fund of Investments of the Interamerican Bank for Development (BID-FOMIN) and to the European Commission (CE).

In the context of the new limits placed to international cooperation in development, “Via Don Bosco” found itself in the difficult situation of having to reduce the number of countries with which to continue to collaborate directly in the three year programmes; therefore the PDO of Colombia and of the Dominican Republic will not be presenting new proposals for development programmes for the period 2014-2016.

The meeting ended with the commitment of those involved to continue preparing the  formulation of proposals for the new programme for the period 2014-2016.

The next meeting for technical formation projects will be held in Ecuador, in October of this year.

Published 03/02/2012

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