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19/1/2012 - RMG - Provincial of Chile appointed
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(ANS – Roma) – Today the Rector Major having heard the favourable opinion of his Council  appointed as Superior of the “Saint Gabriel the Archangel” Province of Chile for the six year period 2012 – 2017 Fr Alberto Lorenzelli until now the Provincial of Italy the Central Circumscription of the “Sacred Heart” (ICC).

Fr Alberto Lorenzelli, was born in San Juãn Matanza (Argentina) in 1953, and after having made his novitiate at Pinerolo, made his first profession as a Salesian of Don Bosco in 1973. Ordained priest on 24 January 1981, Fr Lorenzelli was Provincial of Italy Liguria Tuscany (2002-2008). In 2008 he became Provincial of ICC.

At the time of the appointment the Rector Major sent a letter to the Salesians of ICC in which he explained the reasons which led him to appoint Fr Lorenzelli as Provincial of Chile, and at the same time began the consultation process  for a new Superior which will last until 29 February. In his letter he thanks Fr Lorenzelli for making himself available and expresses appreciation for “his lengthy experience as Provincial, the fine way he has led the new  Circumscription of Central Italy, the clarity shown in his  decision making and in animation and government, his way of handling difficult situations and at the same time his kindness and fatherliness towards the Confreres.”

His installation in Santiago,  Chile is planned for 3 March 2012 in the presence of  Fr Adriano Bregolin, Vicar of the Rector Major.

Fr Lorenzelli takes over from Fr Leonardo Santibáñez who having completed the first period of three years considered it  opportune to offer his resignation to the Rector Major.

Published 19/01/2012

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