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13/12/2011 - Chile - The Alameda Salesian Centre receives a new certificate of quality

(ANS – Santiago) – At a ceremony held on Friday 2 December, the  President of the National Council for Quality in Education, Mariana Aylwin, presented Fr Nestor Muñoz, Rector of the Salesian centre a certificate recording the quality achieved by the Educational Centre of the Salesians in Alameda. It is valid for 5 years the longest period possible according to the “Fundación Chile”.

The ceremony took place in the sports hall of the Institute in the  presence of the Inspector of the Fundación Chile, Susana Sanhueza, Salesians on the Provincial Council, Fr Carlo Lira, Bro Marcelo González SDB, management staff and teachers, parents and pupils.

The Rector encouraged everyone to keep up the high standards achieved, and thanked everyone, especially the young people, for their efforts at becoming good Christians and upright citizens.

Mrs Aylwin congratulated Fr Munoz and the Salesian community for the quality shown in the process of assessment by the Fundación Chile, and then read the report awarding the certificate for five years. The school band and choir then entertained those present with two musical items.

It may be remembered that  the Salesian centre in Alameda underwent this external assessment on a voluntary basis for the first time in 2007, and received the quality certificate valid for three years (2007-2010).

Published 13/11/2011

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