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1/12/2011 - Perù - A new artistic collection of the “Artesanos Don Bosco”
Photograph available in Image Bank

(ANS – Lima) – In the presence of the First Lady of Perù, Madame Nadine Heredia, and the Minister of Culture, the Hon. Susana Baca, the Salesian Fr Ugo de Censi presented the new collection of the art of the “Artesanos Don Bosco” at a Press Conference held in the National  Museum on Wednesday 23 November.

During the Press Conference Fr de Censi compared his work to that of a train full of  many things following in the footsteps of Jesus, in other words, of goodness and charity. It is from these that all the various services offered by the movement “Mato Grosso Operation” start, such as the carpentry workshops, the stain-glass, and stone carving, the oratory, reception centre, care home, old-peoples’ home,  centre for the  disabled, the hydro-electric operations, the house-building, the construction of houses for the poor... In conclusion Fr de Censi invited everyone to listen to God in silence, in  hard work, in the marvels of creation and in prayer.

Both Madame Heredia and the Minister, the Hon Baca praised the work of Fr de Censi,  for 35 years contributing to the social improvement and the progress of the Andean communities of Perù.

Published 1/12/2011

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