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15/11/2011 - Mexico - “Moving for just one dream”
Photo for the article -MEXICO – “MOVING FOR JUST ONE DREAM”
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(ANS – Tlaquepaque) – The annual meeting of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) for the leaders and those responsible for the various  groups in the Mexico-Guadalajara Province (MEG) with the motto: “Moving for just one dream” took place at Tlaquepaque on the weekend 4 and 6 November.

In the course of the event, the members of the SYM were able to realise better that they were a movement and the continuation of the dream of Don Bosco in the  Church. In this way the two hundred plus young leaders, lay and Salesian, continued the work begun the previous year, reflecting on the other two key issues of Salesian Youth spirituality, on the gospel image of the Good Shepherd proposed by the Rector Major in the Strenna for 2012, and on the experience of Church at World Youth Day in Madrid.

In the afternoon of Friday 4 November the various delegations – including those coming from furthest away, on the border with the United States or the centre of the country – came together with songs and games in the premises of the Salesian Higher Institute in Tlaquepaque. On the first day, divided into age groups with various Salesians, they studied the theme of friendship with Christ. In the evening the activities were brought to a close with a “Lectio Divina” on the text of the Good Shepherd.

On the second day, the place of the SYM in the Church was considered. First of all those members who had taken part in the World Youth Day in Madrid spoke about their experiences. Then the topic of belonging to the Church was examined,  and then that of belonging to the SYM in the Interamerica Region and in the Province. This session  concluded with a reflection of the involvement of the Salesian Family in the process of the  re-vitalisation of Youth Ministry in the dioceses of Mexico.

Then the various Associations of the SYM met together  to consider and reflect on their own  procedures for their organisation and for collaboration among the different groups.

On Sunday 6, after Mass celebrated by the Provincial of MEG, Fr Salvador Cleofás Murguía, the young people worked on the subject of accompaniment, proposed as a basic instrument in Salesian youth animation.

The next meeting for the youth of the Province will be  9-10 June at León, Guanajuato, where there will be the traditional “Bosco Camp”, in the context of the process of preparation for the  bicentenary of the birth of Saint John Bosco, in 2015.

Published 15/11/2011

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