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14/10/2011 - Italy - “There is a need to be spiritual people”
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(ANS – Rome) – On Wednesday 12 October, the Rector Major of the Salesians, Fr Pascual Chávez Villanueva, Grand Chancellor of the UPS, presided at the opening of the Academic Year 2011/12 of the Salesian Pontifical University.

In the parish church of Our Lady of Hope, just beside the UPS, as the first part of the programme there was Mass at which,  in  the sanctuary, in addition to the Rector Major were  Fr Francesco Cereda, General Councillor for Formation, the Rector Magnificus of the UPS, Prof. Carlo Nanni, the Deans of the six Faculties, Fr Joaquin D’Souza, Superior of the Vice Province of the UPS and the Provincial of the Circumscription of Central Italy, Fr Alberto Lorenzelli.

In his homily Fr Chávez made a number of references to the teaching of the Pope and to the current world situation. Quoting the words of Benedict XVI at El Escorial to the young university teachers taking part in the World Youth Day in Madrid, he said that the university is “called to be the “house” where one seeks the truth proper to the human person,” and another of its tasks: “that of knowing how to interpret history.. and to be able to assimilate what is good, true and pleasing to God, especially now when we are experiencing one of the most serious crises in history. And I am referring not only to the economic and financial crisis but also the political, social and especially the cultural one.”

Fr Chávez also referred to the sad consequences of the crisis and sense of anger which is spreading through many countries in the western world,  “demanding a greater role for the young people and underlining the urgent need for a new world order.”

Again using the words of the Pope the Rector Major invited everyone not to be afraid of the future and to be committed to “the transformation of this society, of this cultural model, which seems to have reached the end of the road.” To be convinced that the mission of teaching is not only to communicate subject matter or opinions but to form “the new person, the competent professional, the active citizen, the committed believer.”

For this reason it makes sense for the university believer to invoke the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the academic year, so as to be able to “go ahead with courage and  conviction (…) aware of the mission”, which is not reduced to being “a producer or  consumer.” “But in order to do this,” he added, “there is a need to be spiritual people.”

After the Mass the rest of the programme followed.

Published 14/09/2011 

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