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4/10/2011 - Italy - XXI Marian Day
Photo for the article -ITALY – XXI MARIAN DAY

(ANS – Valdocco) – On Sunday 2 October, in an atmosphere of communion and joy,  the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA), celebrated the XXI Marian Day in which almost 400 people took part. The theme for the day was “Following up the spirit and the commitments assumed at the great event of the VI International Congress of Mary Help of Christians” held at Czestochowa between 3 and 6 August.

Following the introduction by the President of the Primary ADMA, Mr. Tullio Lucca, some young people and families spoke about their experiences at the Congress in Czestochowa: some thanked God that they had been able to attend, others spoke about how the event had led them to undertake a decisive path of conversion, while others had understood better what it means to belong to the ADMA.

After this the ADMA programme for 2012 was presented with its emphasis on young  families – also in view of their taking part in the World Meeting of Families to be held in Milan between 30 May and 3 June 2012 – and the involvement of young people encouraged by their peers by word of mouth.

In the afternoon in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians after the recital of the Rosary there was a solemn Concelebration at which Fr Stefano Martoglio, Superior of the Special Circumscription of Piedmont-Val d’Aosta presided, during which 43 people from the Primary ADMA, from San Benigno, from Nave (Brescia) and from the Shalom community joined the Association.

The whole day was spent in an atmosphere of recollection and devotion.

Published 04/10/2011

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