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3/10/2011 - Papua New Guinea - Training for the digital age
Photograph available in Image Bank

(ANS – Port Moresby) – Learning to take creative photographs, making the best use of the social media and making high-quality short films: were the three main areas covered in the “Media Course for the Digital Age.” held between 26 and 29 September at  Don Bosco Technical Institute (DBTI), in Boroko, Port Moresby.

The course was organised by Fr Ambrose Pereira SDB, who has been involved in media education for over a decade, with the help of two Australian animators, Carol Labbad and Jessica Whiting, who have conducted similar courses in the Solomon Islands. More than 30 participants from the Salesians of Don Bosco, Catholic Bishops’ Conference, DBTI and Don Bosco Technical School Gabutu were involved.

In the afternoon of the first day, participants formed small groups, and took turns taking imaginative photographs interpreting one of two themes, peace and the number 50. Afterwards they watched the documentary War Photographer, about American James Nachtwey; who for more than 20 years has ventured into conflict zones to capture images of destruction and devastation. 

On the second day there was training in the social media, especially including crowd sourcing, and a visit to the EM TV Station at Boroko.

The third day began with training in making short films: divided into groups they were asked to write a script  for a two minute film which tells a positive message, or explores an  issue affecting their peers.  A range of short clips from the Plural + 2010 Youth Video Festival were  shown to stimulate participants’ creativity and show the potential for  creating short stories with a message using simple equipment and low  budget production.

On the final day they made their films and worked on the post-production phase, learning how to cut, and add  music and special effects. “We are so proud  of the creativity and efforts of each student, the output was of an  extremely high level, a particularly impressive output given the length  of the programme” said Carol Labbad.

On Friday 30 September the 2 media course animators visited Don  Bosco Technical School at Gabutu to give a one-day  session on the digital media to the students there.

Published 03/10/2011

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