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26/9/2011 - Ethiopia - Formation Seminar for the Salesian Family Delegates
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(ANS – Addis Abeba) - Between 21 and 25 September at the Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, there was a formation seminar for the Provincial Delegates for  the Salesian Family in the Africa-Madagascar Region. There were 32 taking part including Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of Christians from 18 different countries and representing 12 African Provinces.

Fr Adriano Bregolin, Vicar of the Rector Major with special responsibility for the animation of the Salesian Family Sr Maria Luisa Miranda, General FMA Councillor for the Salesian Family Sr Maria Riva, Delegate of the FMA Provincial for Ethiopia and Fr Genaro Gegantoni, Salesian Provincial of Ethiopia welcomed all those taking part and gave them a message of encouragement in their task of the formation and the accompaniment of the lay people.

The Addis Abeba Seminar is the fifth at world level of meetings for  Delegates of the Salesian Family. Previously there have been those in Częstochowa, in February 2010; Bangkok, in September 2010, San Paolo, in  October 2010; Quito in November 2010. As in the other Regional meetings at the centre of the agenda was reflection on the role of the Delegate for the SF, for the Salesians-Cooperators (SSCC) and the Past Pupils of the Salesians and of the FMA, as the link person and spiritual guide for the lay people.

Texts which formed the basis of the discussions were those of the Universal Church such as “Christifideles Laici”, and those specifically Salesian such as the Charter of the Mission of the Salesian Family, the document on the local Consultative Commissions of the Salesian Family. The Delegates also discussed practical ways of implementing policies regarding ways of accompaniment in the specific context of Africa and Madagascar.

Talks were given by  Fr Adriano Bregolin, Sr Miranda, S Maritza Ortiz, World Delegate for the FMA Past Pupils, Fr Stjepan Bolkovac, World Delegate for the SSCC and Fr  José Pastor Ramírez, World Delegate for Don Bosco Past Pupils.

The meeting was organised and coordinated by a team led by Fr Bregolin and Sr Miranda, while arrangements for welcoming and hosting those present were in the hands of Bro. Cesare Bullo SDB, Director of the Mission Office of the Province of  Ethiopia and Eritrea and of the Rector of the Ethiopian Provincial House, Fr John Samala.

In the course of the meeting those present also enjoyed typical Salesian hospitality  and joy and also spent a religious-cultural day  visiting the FMA and SDB houses and discovering a variety of dances from the different regions of Ethiopia. The gathering ended with Mass at which Fr Adriano Bregolin presided on Sunday 25 September.

Published 26/09/2011

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