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9/9/2011 - Chile - An “Intangible Patrimony” Band

(ANS – Valparaíso) – The Band of the Salesian Institute in Valparaíso has been declared an “Intangible Patrimony”, since with its 115 years of history it has become one of the most recognisable traditions of the port city.

The official ceremony took place on 1 September in the  Main Courtyard of the “Saint John Bosco” Salesian Institute with the Mayor  Dr. Jorge Castro presiding. In his address he spoke about the educational presence of the Salesians and their contribution to the city and to the region. He expressed special appreciation for their spirituality of joy and for developing the artistic and sporting talents as part of their approach to education. He then referred to the creation of the School Band founded in 1896, one of the oldest in the city: “The Band is one of the great traditions of this Port. Through here have passed many important personages of the Region leaving behind their mark on the city” he said.

After his address Dr Castro presented the Award to the Rector of the Institute, Fr José López, and to the Director of the Band, Luis Toro, to the accompaniment of the Base Drums.

Fr López and Mr Toro thanked the Mayor for the prestigious Award and spoke about the close links between the Salesian Institute and the city going back to its foundation in 1894 and the commitment to form “good Christians and upright citizens.”

The ceremony concluded to the sounds of the the Band and the enthusiatic applause of those present.

It should be remembered that for Don Bosco music whether sacred, choral or orchestral or that of the Band was considered one of the best means for the education  of youth. The famous autumn outings from Valdocco in the ‘50s e ‘60s of the XIX century  so much enjoyed by the boys and by the villages they passed through always featured the Band.

In the past wherever there was  a Salesian house there would also be a band which in addition to its educational value made a valid and joyful contribution to celebrations at home and to religious and other events in the locality at which they were often invited to play. Hundreds of photographs of Salesian Bands marching and performing throughout the world are preserved in Salesian archives.

Published 09/09/2011

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