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25/8/2011 - Ecuador - University access for indigenous youth
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(ANS - Quito) - The Sacred Heart of Jesus Province, Ecuador (ECU), on August 16, opened and blessed the Chillogallo University Indigenous Residence south of Quito. It is part of a University access program for youth from the Andes and Amazon missions and also marks beginning of preparations for the Bicentenary of Don Bosco's birth.

As the first official act of celebrations in preparation for the Bicentenary, Fr Marcelo Farfán, Provincial, Ecuador, celebrated Mass along with the Provincial Council and representatives of Salesian Family Groups.

The afternoon saw the opening and blessing of the University Indigenous Residence. “What better incentive to begin preparing for the Bicentenary, and what better gift to Don Bosco, today August 16, than inaugurating a project designed for young people, for the poorest of our missions?” Fr Farfán said.

Residents will be welcomed by the Salesian pre-novitiate community which will run all pastoral and administrative activities. The Salesian Polytech University welcomes and encourages young indigenous students and the Provincial Council supports and promotes this service.

Fr Javier Herrán, Rector of the Polytechnic, noted: “What a joy it is for the University to have such a residence. You well know what 'pacha mama', mother earth, is all about and here, given  time, you can look after her with your technical skills”. The Rector also urged the new residents “not to be discouraged, because University is not a race against time, but he who endures, wins”.

In this way, the Ecuador Province offers an initiative which joins the thousands of others taking place worldwide to begin preparations for the Don Bosco Bicentenary.

Published 25/08/2011

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