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11/8/2011 - Spain - WYD has great pastoral value: reinforcement on the journey of faith

(ANS – Madrid) – Fr Fabio Attard is the Salesian General Councillor for Youth Ministry, the one responsible at world level for pastoral work carried out by the Congregation in the 130 countries in which Salesians are working. Through the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) about 7000 young people are taking part in World Youth Day (WYD), a ‘pastoral opportunity’ as defined by those organising Salesian ministry. The Councillor has been answering some questions about WYD and about the participation of young people from the SYM.

How do you see the participation of the SYM in WYD?
Fr Attard: Participation of the SYM in WYD is a natural part of the journey of the SYM in the Church. It is an opportunity to confirm our faith together with other young people and with the Successor of Saint Peter. Sometimes I imagine Don Bosco here among us... how he would encourage us to be present and to deepen our faith, our joy in living our faith, and our commitment to share the joy of our faith with other young people!

What is the value of these days? Can they be a useful part of pastoral ministry?
Fr Attard: The value of WYD rests in the fact that these days are part of a journey. WYD is not an isolated event, it has a before and an after. Those at WYD have already made a journey of preparation with other young people, and the experience will carry on afterwards, again in communion with other young people. Its value is exactly that. People reading about WYD outside this context cannot know what the young people are feeling and what they are seeking through the experience of WYD. So the pastoral value is fundamental: it provides strength for the journey of faith and this comes from the young people themselves, sharing their journey with so many, many others who are living through the same marvellous experience.
Some people criticise the air of ‘spectacle’ around WYD. Is it more about spectacle than evangelisation?
Fr Attard: To the casual observer, what is going on in the hearts of the young people is a closed book. The spectacle is just the backdrop, useful, but only to encourage something felt more deeply, because it is nearer and actually sought by the young people. It is interesting to read research which has been done on WYD: the great majority of  young people take part in more than one WYD, and in between their faith journey continues and is reinforced. In the end, the joy and friendship felt and lived in this way bring them something of very positive value.

What would you like to say to the young participants from the SYM?
Don Attard: They should be aware of being on a journey. Their life is an experience in which they can discover greater value through contact with faith in Christ Jesus. In a recent interview from France a perceptive commentator remarked that young people go to WYD bringing their doubts as well. By taking part the young people confirm the fact that it is worth committing themselves to their faith. With Jesus, the young people know that they will always come out on top!

What does the Salesian Congregation expect from this event?
Don Attard: That Madrid should be a Cenacle, an Upper Room, for everyone, especially for those young people who through the SYM have found a good experience of faith lived with joy and enthusiasm. For the first time we have 53 countries present, with about 7000 young people from the SYM. We hope that the Spirit of God will reinforce their faith in Jesus Christ, that they will become even better apostles among their friends, wherever the Lord sends them.

Published 11/8/2011

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