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26/7/2011 - Venezuela - V International General Assembly of the Salesian Womens Association
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(ANS – Caracas) – Between 11 and 15 July in Caracas there was the V International General Assembly of the Salesian Womens Association (Damas Salesianas -ADS). Reports were given from all the Regions about the various projects, programmes and social activities undertaken in the area of education and health, the two main fields of action of the Association founded in Caracas in 1968 and belonging to the Salesian Family since 1988.

The General Assembly is held every six years and is a sign of unity, encounter and communion among the different  people who make up the ADS. The main focus of this meeting in  Caracas was “The return to Don Bosco” and from this point of view issues considered included the importance of a vigorous response to unjustice and of sharing with one’s neighbour the fire of the Spirit.

In the report from the Regions, the delegation from Brazil spoke about the work undertaken in the south of the country, with the setting up of oratories in the working class areas and also the educational and health-care work of the Damas  in prisons.

Mrs Graciela Monroy, Councillor for the North America-Mexico Region, spoke about the “A dollar for a smile” programme, which aims at pointing out the contribution which can be made by shoppers and small businesses to the cause of solidarity.

For the South Cone 1 Region which includes Chile and Argentina, Mrs Ibis Pérez de Quadri described the effectiveness of the “Emprende Mamá” programme carried out by the Damas  in  Chile, with a very favourable response from the medical profession and hospitals in Chile and offering a great assistance to people unfamiliar with the  health system and to teenage mothers. She also mentioned the increase in the number of lay vocations in Argentina, a sign of the good work being done in that country.

The Assembly also elected the new International Body of Directors for the six-year period 2011-2017, confirming some in office and adding to these Maria Verónica Gracia Toribio as Councillor for  the South Cone I Region and Beatriz Leonardo de Ortiz as Councillor for the Caribbean Region. Finally Mrs Marisa Valentiner, the President gave the report and the finacial accounts for the five year period 2005-2010.

Among other significant events during the General Assembly was the unveiling of a monument to the founder of the Damas Salesianas, Fr Miguel González, the work of the artist Teresa Devivo, located in the “Complejo Social Don Bosco”, the mother house; and the presentation of the book “Templo Nacional Complejo Social Don Bosco” by Gustavo Willis, which describes the parallel development of the Sanctuary and the growth of the Damas Salesianas and their spirituality.

Published 26/07/2011

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