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8/7/2011 - Italy - Cremisan: an international research programme to evaluate the winemaking patrimony
(ANS – San Michele all’Adige) – Today 8 July the first stage of an enquiry concludes which was promoted by the Salesian NGO  VIS (International Volunteer Movement for Development) te relaunch the Salesian winery in Cremisan, on the boundary between Israel and Palestine. Scholars and international researchers have gathered at the Alpine town of San Michele all’Adige to determine the basis of a joint study of local native Palestine wines.

The project is aimed at the genetic study and experimentation with vine species in order to give greater visibility to a particular variety of wine so far considered of little relevance.

Last Wednesday, 6 July at the Agronomic Institute in San Michele all’Adige (IASMA), near  Trent, there was an initial meeting of those involved in the project organised by VIS and chaired by Dr Massimo Zortea, former President of the Salesian NGO and the person behind the project. Among those taking part were Dr. Roberto Pagliarini, from the “Cremisan Wine Estate” in Bethlehem; Prof Maria Stella Grando, Prof. Massimo Bertamini and Prof. Salvatore Maule, teachers at the IASMA.

Another important partner in the research work is the University of Hebron, which was represented at the meeting by Prof. Rezq, Principal of the Faculty of Agrarian Studies, who made available for the other scholars biological material from his own collection.

The Salesian and VIS intend in  2011 to relaunch the Cremisan winery, after about two and a half years of work involving gradually introduced  innovations and the important investment of resourses. Everything is intended to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of the Arab population who live in the area between Jerusalem, Beit Jemal and Bethlehem by improving the wine production of Cremisan and Beit Jemal and safeguarding the local tradition and the local species of vine with their historical significance.

Published 08/07/2011

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