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5/7/2011 - Guatemala - Grand Cross of the “Orden del Quetzal” for Fr Santucci
(ANS – Guatemala City) – In the morning of  28 June  the Salesian Fr Ugo Santucci received from the government authorities of Guatemala the Grand Cross of the “Orden del Quetzal” in recognition of his great educational work.

For many years Fr Ugo Santucci taught  in Guatemala and contributed to the formation of upright citizens throughout the Central American Isthmus. Often his priestly ministry was exercised on behalf  of the young people of  Guatemala, both students and the most disadvantaged. In 1964 Fr Santucci, with great dedication contributed to the formation of what with great success would become known as the greatest Youth event in Guatemala and Central America: the “Youth Movement,” an opportunity for the students from the different schools to get together in a  variety of  sporting, academic, artistic and cultural activities.

Some years ago Fr Santucci was awarded the Presidential Medal by the then President Marco Vinicio Cerezo.

The work and constant concern for the needy young people in Guatemala by the Salesian priest led the Government of Guatemala to recognise in him a worthy son of the country and to award him this new honour of the Grand Cross of the “Orden del Quetzal”.

Among the guests present at the ceremony were the Nuncio Apostolic in Guatemala, Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, representatives of the Chancellery of Guatemala and Salesians.

Born at Rocca Priora in 1929, Fr Ugo Santucci has spent many years of his life in Central America, between Guatemala and San Salvador and in the United States. Having returned to Italy  in 2003, he is now living at the Gerini Institute in Rome.

Published 05/07/2011

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