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3/6/2011 - RMG - 45th World Social Communications Day
(ANS - Rome) – On Sunday, June 5, the Church will celebrate the 45th World Social Communications day. Benedict XVI`s message - Truth proclamation and authenticity of life in the digital age – invites us to be there in the digital arena, amongst social networks, as witnesses and evangelisers. Fr Filiberto Gonzalez, Councillor for Social Communication, invites Salesians to experience the internet with a new outlook.

“Where are the young? Where is the playground for living out the Preventive System and Assistance?” are the questions that introduce the message delivered by Fr Gonzalez to Salesians  on the eve of the 45th World Social Communications Day.

The Internet is a complex and evolving network, quite different from traditional mass media, and a new reality that calls for new attitudes: Let us not see it as a simple tool to use to serve needs and personal goals, but try to think of it and experience it as social and cultural space, with its own kinds of relationships and socialisation.

Recalling Benedict XVI`s message, Fr Filiberto Gonzalez, Councillor for Social Communication, invites Salesians to be there on the internet and in social networks. This is one of the new frontiers which General Chapter 26 asked the sons of Don Bosco to go to: “The key and the principle challenge is, therefore, in how we understand the mission and a kind of presence in this youthful continent that expands and multiplies”.

Fr Gonzalez concludes his message reminding us that “The Salesian, educated to think, believe, love, respect and desire all that is good for the young, to seek and offer to God everywhere, will not cease to do so under these new circumstances, when structures, languages and ways of be present have changed”.

In, and on the website of the FMA, thanks to collaboration between the two Departments for Communication, resources for studying and understanding the ideas proposed by the 45th World Communications Day have been made available. The resources – ppt presentations photographs, links, articles - are available in various languages; language choice is via the navigation indicators on

Recently, in addition, the Department for Social Communications has completed the process of revising the Salesian Social Communication System which, in line with computer terminology today is known simply as SSCS 2.0. The text of this document, available on, provides guidelines for the Salesian Congregation. Among the features of the new edition is the attention it gives to the world of the internet.

Posted on 03/06/2011

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