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24/5/2011 - Costa Rica - CEDES Don Bosco at the International Science and Technology Fair
(ANS – San José) – Again this year the Salesian Don Bosco Centre of Education (CEDES) in San José was represented by two young students at the International Science and Technology Fair “Intel 2011” (Intel ISEF in English), held in Los Angeles, California, between 9 and 13 May.

“Intel ISEF” is the largest competition in the world for scientific projects by young people in secondary schools, every year presenting young people from 1500 institutes in 65 countries round the world.

Nicole Mena and José Miguel González, both in their final year at Electronics High School created a method which enables a blind person to reproduce music without first having to memorise the tunes by Braille. With a vest which responds to different kinds of vibrations, a person who cannot see is able to recognise the musical notes  on his body while he plays the instrument.

The long tradition of Don Bosco CEDES at the Science and Technology Fair and more recently at the Engineering Fair means that good teachers and talented students have got together to provide projects of such high quality with which they have been able to complete at international level.

“Don Bosco was a humble person but he did extraordinary things, because he was able to appreciate other people. We constantly come across people who are much “greater” than we imagine. At the Fair we have come across many of these people” Nicole said.

Published 24/05/2011

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