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19/5/2011 - Dominican Republic– The Holy See a special guest at the International Book Fair
(ANS – Santo Domingo) – In the first city founded in the American continent, Santo Domingo, on 4 May the XIV International Book Fair began. At the event which will conclude on Sunday 22, the Holy See was the guest of honour, and at the opening ceremony Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture was among the speakers. There is also a Salesian contribution there.

This event will give people the opportunity to "appreciate a significant exhibition of the literary production of the Catholic Church and her great contribution to the Dominican culture and people." Pope Benedict XVI said in his video message sent for the occasion and broadcast at the opening ceremony. 33 countries from America and elsewhere are taking part.

Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi the representative of Pope Benedict XVI at the Fair and President of  the Pontifical Council for Culture  emphasised the importance of the fact that for the first time  the Holy See had accepted the invitation to be guest of honour at an International Book Fair.

Young people were very much in evidence at the Fair coming in their thousands from schools, universities and other centres and for this reason too the Salesians could not be missing.

Among the events on the programme is the stage performance of “Don Bosco, the apostle of Youth” with dramatic action, humour, music and dance.

Taking part in the event for various reasons are a number of Vatican organisations: the Pontifical Council for Culture, The Vatican Publishing House and Book Shop with its  Director the Salesian Fr Giuseppe Costa – the Vatican Museums, the Vatican Apostolic Library and the Vatican Secret Archives, as well as the Pontifical Council for Social Communications,  the Internet Office of the Holy See, Vatican Radio, the Pontifical Academy of Science, the Vatican Observatory and the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archeology: in total 11 Vatican institututions engaged in presenting the work of the Church and of the Holy see in the field of culture.

Published 19/05/2011

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