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15/4/2011 - Spain - On the way to the WYD, with the web
Photo for the article -SPAIN – ON THE WAY TO THE WYD, WITH THE WEB
(ANS – Madrid) – In preparation for the special appointment with the Pope of young people from all over the world in August in Madrid, the Salesians and the Spanish Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) have set up a site to inform and involve those who intend to take part.

Among the hundreds of thousands of young people and other pilgrims  at the 2011 World Youth Day in Madrid there will be about 6,000 young people belonging to various national groups of the SYM. For this big number of young people and for the Salesians and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians who will be accompanying them a site has been set with all the useful information and preparation resource material they need

There are various sections on the site which can be browsed in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Italian. On the diary page it is already possible to consult the programme of activities – either Salesian, or for the whole Church – during the WYD. There are detailed explanations of the organisation and of the way to sign up for the Day. Using the menu of news it is possible to follow the activities which have already taken place in preparation for the WYD from various Salesian Provinces around the world. In this regard we should like to remind you of the invitation sent out last December by the Spanish Salesian Social Communication Delegation to send in information by e-mail, about initiatives and activities which could be of interest to the international Salesian Family and to the media.

Certainly of interest will be the SYM songs, suggestions for catechesis inspired by the WYD motto– “Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith” – the introduction to Salesian centres ready to welcome pilgrims and guide-books to find other accommodation in Madrid. There is also a wide selection of links, to Salesian sites and to special pages on social networks as well as various multimedia resources.

It is possible to go to the site by simply clicking on the appropriate button on the right hand column of the ANS site.

Published 15/04/2011

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