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29/3/2011 - Spain - A book about young people showing solidarity
(ANS – Madrid) – On Wednesday 25 March at the Caixaforum in Madrid there was the presentation of the book  “Un mundo con iniciativa”, published by the “Jóvenes y Desarrollo” Foundation linked to the Salesians. The text covers three years of activities connected with solidarity and human values in which those responsible are young people.

Written in Spansh, it is the result of several years of work and of the involvement of young people in solidarity projects, and refers to 154 different initiatives undertaken in centres of education – formal and non-formal – and in associations, in Spain and abroad in which a total of over  27,000 young people have been involved.

“Un mundo con iniciativa” forms part of the “Iniziativa solidaria” project with the aim of fostering educational development projects, and increasing the participation and involvement of young people in activities for the support of others in need. After three years work, the result shows that young people, when presented with activities which interest them, become fully involved rather than being apathetic as very often they are said to be.

“Jóvenes y Desarrollo”, which began in 1988, is a Non-profit Non-Government Organisation with Salesian links; at present it has 23 centres throughout Spain.

Published 29/03/2011

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