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23/3/2011 - South Korea - Solidarity in prayer and action
(ANS – Seoul) – In the face of the recent humanitarian emergencies in Japan and Libya, the Korean members of the Salesian Youth Movement have organised themselves to accompany from afar through their prayers the spirit of sacrifice and readiness to help shown by many young Japanese young people in these days.

There are some 30 SYM (Salesian Youth Movement) members in Korea who have organised a chain of prayer, based on the Rosary for the victims of the Tsunami in Japan and violence in Libya.

In an initiative coming from the young people themselves and welcomed by the confreres, they have drawn up a list of individuals in the group whose task it is to pray each day until 2nd April and this list is growing rapidly, now joined by Salesians, beginning with the Provincial, Fr Stephanus Nam, and Fr Bernard Lee, Delegate for the SYM.

Similar good news is also arriving from Japan  where in the difficult situation after the tsunami there is a glimmer of light and hope in the solidarity and readiness to help of the young. “In this tragedy, one of the most moving things has been the generous response of the young Japanese” Fr Yasutaka Muramatsu, Provincial Secretary and Delegate for Salesian Voluntary Service told the Fides Agency.

“Young people, Christians and non-Christians, are getting together and they want to go to the stricken areas at once to offer their services, their energy and their enthusiasm  to help the victims, giving some hope through their smiles. It is very moving to see how much love they have for their neighbours. It is a lesson for all of us educators.”

Even though Japanese society is a highly organised one and many things are in the hands of the authorities, solidarity and generosity are now the most necessary things. As Fr Aldo Cipriani, the Provincial in Japan explains the Salesians are playing an active role in this: “As a first step we are seeking funds to help in restructure.  We are very keen to respond to the appeal of Bishop Hiraga of Sendai, and Bishop Francis Xavier Osamu Mizobe SDB the former Bishop of Sendai, is also pressing us to be generous.” In addition Fr Cipriani continues: We will also be generous in opening up to the needs of refugees. For the moment our parish in Hamamatsu (well south of Tokyo) will be sheltering 50 people who have fled stricken places."

Published 23/03/2011

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