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21/3/2011 - Mexico - Bosco Camp, 10th Anniversary
Photo for the article -MEXICO – BOSCO CAMP, 10TH ANNIVERSARY
(ANS – Tlazala) – During the weekend 12-13 March at the “Casa del Hombre Nuevo” in Tlazala, Bosco Camp 2011 was held. The tenth in the series and organised by Fr Daniel García and the Youth Ministry Team it was attended by over 500 youngsters from centres in the Mexico-México Province (MEM).

It opened with the welcome by the Provincial YM Delegate Fr García, who referring to the Rector Major’s exhortation following the 26 General Chapter, invited everyone to become “another Don Bosco”. Then the various groups divided according to regions began their presentations highlighting the 10th Anniversary of Bosco Camp in the MEM Province.

This was followed by an account of the progress made by Youth Ministry in the Province since 1972, starting with the formation of youth groups supporting the missions among the Mixes in Oaxaca, then strengthened in the ‘80s through the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) and now in 2011, reaching maturity with projects such as the School for Leaders, “Living Valdocco” and the “School of Salesianity.” It was also mentioned that the Mexican SYM had taken part in the World Youth Days in Canada and in Germany and that shortly they would be in Spain.

The “SYM” Sports gave the youngsters the chance to enjoy themselves and get to know each other. In the evening at the “Good Night” Fr García reminded everyone of the real meaning of being together “in Christ” and said that everyone present represented a success story of the power of the approach started by Don Bosco.

Sunday 13 March was devoted to studying the Personal Plan of Life with the help of material prepared for vocational discernment given to the educators and to the members of the Salesian Family present at the meeting.

The Provincial Fr Miguel Agustín Aguilar presided at the closing Mass and he encouraged the young people to spend the time of Lent as a path of conversion on the way to Easter, overcoming evil in their own lives by the World of God and by good works.

At the end of the Mass over 100 Salesian Youth Leaders, in the presence of the Provincial, publicly promised to follow Christ according to the way of Don Bosco, educating and leading young people in the faith especially those most in need

Published 21/03/2011

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