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21/3/2011 - Spain - Experiences: young people on the way to WYD
(ANS – Madrid) – While preparations continue in the centres of the Salesians and of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians to welcome the young people of the Salesian Youth Movement who will be talking part in the World Youth day in Madrid, at local level preparation procedures intensify as the experiences of the FMA in France and Ecuador demonstrate.

In Madrid they are expecting to host about 6000 young members of the SYM but there are also very significant pastoral preparations taking place on the subject proposed by Benedict XVI, including the publication of pastoral resources.

Sr Geneviève Pelsser,  a French FMA explains how in France and Belgium there is cooperation among the whole Salesian Family in the preparations. “Each month we offer the young people  a topic for reflection to prepare themselves for the important appointment next August. With questions for grooup discussions and material for personal prayer these reflections are being prepared by Salesians, FMA and members of the Salesian Family.” The aim is “to create a link between the theme of the SYM  ‘Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith’ and the ordinary daily life of the young people,” she adds.
Another FMA, Sr Rosa Castro,  in Ecuador, describes how in that Latin-American country there is  “a great movement, led by the Youth Minsitry Commission, in preparation for the World Youth Day in Spain.” Among the next events planned there is a Youth Day Celebraton between 20 and 23 May at Cuenca, organised by the Bishops’ Conference of Ecuador. During this event, the young pilgrims who will be taking part in Madrid will be commissioned.

The Spanish Salesian Social Communication Delegation repeat their requests to Youth Ministry delegates  and Provincial SYM coordinators to send in reports of the preparations which are being made in view of the 2011 WYD in Madrid.

Published 21/03/2011

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