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16/3/2011 - Japan - Salesians: in search of a common approach
(ANS – Tokyo) – In these hours Japan is experiencing real anguish and anxiety. The ordinary people are waiting for further instructions from the authorities; the Salesian Family are also asking themselves what they ought to do.

With the many voices expressing concern or inviting the people to stay calm, the state of the nuclear power station at Fukushima has become the main unknown quantity with regard to the present and to the future of Japan The Ambassadors of various countries have invited their fellow country men and women in the country to leave and to return to the homelands. Even Tokyo, 240 km from Fukushima, is not considered to be totally out of danger and tens of thousands of people in spite of the difficulties are trying to leave.

Fr Aldo Cipriani, Provincial of Japan, who has just returned from the Team Visit in Thailand, has shared with ANS his concerns, He has confirmed the seriousness of the damage suffered from the earthquake and especially from the tsunami which followed: “The situation in the stricken area is truly terrifying and at present it is difficult to know the effects of the radiation.”

The Salesians in the capital with their 6 centres have arranged a meeting for tomorrow 17 March to examine the situation. Fr Cipriani has said that all the eventual decisions will be taken in coordination with the other religious Congregations and asks for prayers for Japan and its people.

Published 16/03/2011

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