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3/3/2011 - Poland - The final salute to Fr Rybinski
(ANS – Warsaw) – Family members, friends, Salesians, but also religious and sisters from other Congregations, young people and faithful from throughout Poland gathered together yesterday 2 March in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Warsaw for the funeral Mass of Fr Marek Rybinski.

Fr Rybinski’s body left Tunisia immediately after the Mass at which  Archbishop Lahham presided in the Cathedral of Tunis, on 28 February and arrived in Poland on Tuesday 1 March. When the body was taken to the Missionary House of the Salesians in Warsaw, there was an all-night vigil between Tuesday and Wednesday for family, friends, members of the Salesian “Saruel” Youth  Movement, volunteers from the Don Bosco International Voluntary Service and Salesians. At midnight about 30 priests concelebrated a Mass of suffrage.

On Wednesday morning the coffin was taken to the Basilica of the Sacred Heart where after a period of time for private prayer, an account of Fr Rybinski’s life was read in which was recalled the importance of his family – his parents, Barbara and Peter, and their six younger children – in the vocational decision of the missionary.

Archbishop Józef Michalik of Przemyśl and President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference presided at Mass with other concelebrants: Bishop Henryk Hoser of Warszawa-Praga, Bishop Stanislaw Budzik of Tarnów and Secretary of the Polish Bishops’ Conference and about 250 other priests religious and diocesan. Also present were some representatives of the Salesians in Ireland and Malta – on which the Salesian community of Manouba depends– and the Consul  of Tunisia in Poland.

Fr Slawomir Lubian, Provincial of Warsaw gave the homily. “What meaning had the life of Fr Marek, cut off so unexpectedly?” he asked. “His life had meaning because its growth and development up to the last moment had a clear direction.” The Provincial mentioned the ability Fr Rybinski had of making new friends: “He had a great liking for people … This attitude helped him in his work as a missionary and to be open to the people of Tunisia, where he had many friends. His human relationships were deep ones, and this means that Fr Marek knew himself very well and also what he wanted to do with his life.” The Provincial concluded: “We give thanks to God for the life of Fr  Marek and because we knew him.”

At the end of Mass there was time for some personal recollections Mons. Wiktor Skworc, President of the Commission for the Mission of the Polish Bishops read a tribute to Fr Rybinski. Then in the name of the Councillor for the Salesian  Mission Fr Václav Klement, Fr Stanislaw Rafalko spoke, quoting some phrases written by  Fr Rybisnki some years before he left for the missions: “I don’t have a missionary vocation but I have not stopped praying for one,” he read. Fr John Horan, Provincial of Ireland said that Fr Rybinski knew what it meant to give one’s life for the missions. Bishop Hoser, saying the final prayer declared that Fr Rybinski was added to the list of the first martyrs of the Church who in that country had given their lives for Christ: Saints Cyprian, Perpetua and  Felicity.

The body of Fr Marek Rybinski was then buried in the Salesian plot in the cemetery of Warsaw Brudno.

Published  03/03/2011

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