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1/3/2011 - Vatican - Discovering in the digital culture symbols and metaphors of Faith
(ANS –Vatican City) – Yesterday 28 February Pope Benedict XVI received in audience participants in the plenary assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications. He told them we are called to discover new symbols and metaphors, in order to proclaim the Gospel to a digital culture.

Once again Benedict XVI spoke about digital communication, showing his awareness of the current challenges presented by society and re-emphasised the importance of the contribution of believers to evangelisation and the building of the Kingdom through the languages of the modern media.

He referred to his Message for World Communications Day, issued last January which speaks of the cultural transformation being brought about by new communications technology not only in the way of communicating but also the ways of thinking and learning.

This is not without risks, the Holy Father cautioned, and they are risks that are little considered -- dangers such as superficial relationships, over-emphasis on emotions, and "the prevalence of the most convincing opinion in regard to the desire for truth. But “Faith always penetrates, enriches, exalts and vivifies culture and the latter, in turn, becomes a vehicle of faith, to which it offers the language to think and express itself. Hence, There is no need to be afraid of the challenges of the modern age it is necessary to become attentive listeners of the languages of the men of our time, to be attentive to the work of God in the world."

For the Pope, Catholics, especially those involved in the world of  communications, need to allow “digital thought” to pose questions to faith and theology, to listen to the questions and to the requirements with attention and without prejudice. Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom by referring to elements from his environment: fields, seeds, flocks and other images. So, the Pope said, "we are called to discover, also in the digital culture, significant symbols and metaphors for persons, which can be of help when speaking of the Kingdom of God to contemporary man."

Benedict XVI then considered the “ ever narrower and ordinary relationship between man and machines” showing his confidence in technological progress and the spiritual values which will make it possible to promote a truly human communication “an answer to the call imprinted on our nature of beings created in the image and likeness of God in communion.”

In concluding his address, Benedict XVI referred to Fr Matteo Ricci, S.J., as a model for modern communicators, who was able to draw on the traditions and culture in which he worked to proclaim the Gospel in China.

Published 01/03/2011

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