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24/2/2011 - Tunisia - Archbishop Lahham remembers Fr Rybinski
(ANS – Tunis) – Yesterday Archbishop Maroun Lahham of Tunis, circulated a letter in memory of Fr Marek Rybinski, killed in Manouba on Friday 18 February. The Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone, had sent him a letter with a message of condolence from the Pope. The funeral will be held on Monday evening.

Archbishop Lahham, in giving the official results of the inquest, remembers Fr Rybinski and addressing his assassin invites him to repent.

“What can I say? Horror, sadness, anger, appalled, concerned, afraid, in doubt ... all mixed up together. Why was Fr Marek murdered? For two thousand dinars? We hardly think so. Certainly there are details that I would not know. By contrast, there are things I do know,” the archbishop says as he also speaks about Fr Rybinski his love for the land and the people of Tunisia:

Imagining himself facing his killer he asks: “Why did you really kill Fr Marek? …And How can you reconcile this crime with your faith? … Answer these questions, reassure us, reassure our paternal and fraternal hearts ... Afterwards, I promise you forgiveness. First you will have to ask forgiveness from God, then from the Catholic Church in Tunisia.”
Mentioning with gratitude some of the expressions of condolence and affection he had received from the people and from the authorities Archbishop Lahham wrote “Did it take the murder of a priest to bring about all this sympathy and affection for us? The price is very high. We greatly appreciate all these gestures of friendship, but they are not worth one drop of blood of our Marek.”

Concluding and confirming the commitment of the Catholics to remain in Tunisia he added: “And now? Well, we`re moving on. This is no time to panic, it is a time for faith, patience, precaution. Leave? No question, that difficult times are not times to run away from. … we will remain in this country which has accepted us, which loves us and which we in turn love.”

On Monday 21 February Cardinal Bertone sent Archbishop Lahham a message of condolence from the Pope for the family of Fr Rybinski, for the Salesians, the priests and the religious in Tunisia. “He asks the all merciful Father to receive the deceased into his Kingdom of love and  peace, praying that the Lord will keep the Catholic community in Tunisia in unity and hope.”

The funeral of Fr Rybinski will be celebrated in Tunis Cathedral on Monday  28 February  at 17.00, local time. Afterwards the body will be taken to Poland. On Wednesday, 2 March there will be another funeral Mass in Warsaw the Province of origin Fr Rybinski.

In the Service section of ANS the full text of the letter of Archbishop Lahham is available.

Published 24/02/2011

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