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21/1/2011 - Vatican - Archbishop-elect Savio Hon Tai-Fai: “a builder of bridges with China”
(ANS – Vatican City) – The Chinese Salesian archbishop-elect Savio Hon Tai-Fai, recently appointed by Pope Benedict XVI Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, has today 21 January taken over his office. “I would like to be a builder of bridges with China” he said.

In an interview with the Fides Agency, in connection with his new role he said: “I thank the Holy Father Benedict  XVI for having chosen me and especially for the concern and love he shows for Asia and for China in particular. I would also like to thank Cardinal Ivan Dias, Prefect of the Propaganda Fide Department, for having welcomed me with great joy and cordiality. I notice that within the Congregation, the atmosphere is very good and I am very happy about this: I will be able to work with the collaboration of very competent people.”

He also expressed his great desire concerning his role in the missionary department: “In this my new and delicate role I would like to be an instrument in building bridges with China. At the beginning of this task I am very excited and I am also aware of the responsibility of this role which covers such a broad field: taking care of the pastoral life of over 1,000 ecclesiastical areas. I hope that the evangelisation of the Church and the missionary work of this Congregation can be given a fresh impetus, especially with regard to those countries of ancient traditions and cultures, such as China and India.”

Published 21/01/2011

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