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14/1/2011 - Italy - Sacred Heart Vigil for Christian victims
(ANS – Rome) – Yesterday 13 January in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Rome there was a Prayer Vigil  in memory of the recent victims of the attacks on the Christian Communities in Iraq, Egypt and Nigeria and in support of all Christians being persecuted in the world.

The event was organised by the Salesians of the Special Circumscription of Central Italy (ICC), in agreement with Fr Pier Fausto Frisoli, Councillor for the Region of Italy and the Middle East, and attended by many representatives of the Catholic community responding to the invitation of Benedict XVI to remember all Christians in the world victims of attacks, praying for an and to persecution.  

Among those taking part were the Presidents of the Region of Lazio and of the Province of Rome, Renata Polverini and Nicola Zingaretti respectively, and Gianni Alemanno Mayor of Rome representing the whole of “Rome Capital”.

Among the Catholic Associations taking part were Catholic Action of the Diocese of Rome, Communion and Liberation, the  Sant’Egidio Community, the Focolari Movement, the Ufficio Migrantes – of the Diocese of Rome and the Astalli Centre, responsible for publicity.
Presiding at the gathering for prayer, open to all men and women of good will, was Bishop Guerino Di Tora, auxiliary bishop of Rome It was an occasion to make a firm request that for every man and woman in the world should be recognised the right to  “religious freedom, the genuine way to peace.”

Published 14/01/2011

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